"I joined Amairgin the Gael (the only branch in Wales) when I was 8 years old. My family was looking for a music group that would allow both adults and children to learn together. I love the intergenerational relationships that are at the branches, which is so special and feels like the older people are passing their knowledge of the tradition down to the younger generations.
I am very grateful to my home branch for the experiences they gave me. I got the chance to play in duets, trios, Grupai Cheoil, sessions, festivals and Ceili bands throughout my childhood there. It really helped shape my skills and knowledge as a musician today. I had also had some fantastic fiddle tuition from Mike Lease, who sadly passed away last year. He passed on to me his love of the West Clare style of fiddling, inspired by legends of traditional Irish fiddling including Bobby Casey and Paddy Canny.
My first time competing in Fleadh was 2014 when I was 8 years old. I ended up placing 1st in the under 9s tin whistle at the Midlands Regional Fleadh. I wasn’t too sure what to expect when competing for the first time. I just remember feeling very welcomed and comforted by all the volunteers and adjudicators. My branch (including their families) would all pile onto a coach, and we’d have a quiz and a raffle on the way there, and a big session on the way back.
Throughout the years, I started to compete in more Fleadh competitions on different instruments like the fiddle, whistle and button accordion in a range of categories like slow airs, duets and trios. I also attended the week-long summer school at the All-Irelands called ‘Scoil Éigse’, which was a great immersion experience in authentic Irish fiddle playing with great tutors like Oisin Mac Diarmada and Macdara O’ Raghallaigh. I competed in the fiddle and fiddle slow airs competitions at in Sligo, Ennis and Drogheda. I had never managed to place but when I managed to get 3rd place in the fiddle slow air over 18s in the lovely town of Wexford, I was beyond delighted! The standard of playing at the All-Irelands is always incredibly high so to even place was a shock to me.
I’m so excited for the All-Britain Fleadh 2025 to come to the Midlands. It’s great to have such a big event in your home region and really feels like as a branch and an individual you have to put your best foot forward and represent the Irish Traditional Music scene in your region.
I’m currently in my 3rd year of studying violin performance at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Aside from my studies, I enjoy being a part of the folk ensemble at my university and I love the vibrant session scene going on in Birmingham, including the ones hosted by Birmingham Comhaltas. Although I’m doing a classical music degree, I still benefit from all the experiences I gained from my years at the Amairgin the Gael branch. Without all the volunteers and teachers who gave up their time, I wouldn’t have gained half of the experiences I have today."